About Us

About us



Forensic Diving Team was founded in 2019 after an intensive collaboration of divers from various disciplines. By joining forces and sharing each other's knowledge and skills, a stable, expert and professional forensic diving team has been created.All our divers are trained professional divers (civil cat. 2 or higher) and we have our own forensic doctor with the additional specialization of a diving doctor. The complete diving team is also trained as a Dive Medical Supervisor.

The dive team consists of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds, each with their own experience and expertise in the forensic world. This combination of specialisms means that a strong team can be deployed in the full breadth of forensic diving. From underwater detection to forensically conscious recovery of a body or vehicle. We have all this knowledge and necessary resources in-house.

The permanent staff of the forensic diving team consists of six members and, if necessary, is supplemented by other (forensic and PSD) trained divers and surface support specialists.


  • Underwater crime scene management

  • DVI
  • Forensic examiner/doctor
  • Medical examiner diving (MED)
  • Weapons, ammunition & explosives experts

  • Casualty salvage

  • Vehicle storage

  • Underwater crash investigation (e.g. helicopter, aircraft)



- Forensic diver lecturer

- Commercial diver

- Forensic examiner

- Medical examiner diving (MED)

- DMT lecturer

- Diving Medical Supervisor


- Forensic diver lecturer

- Forensic expert

- Commercial diver

- Diving medical supervisor

- Underwater ammunition & explosives forensic expert


- Forensic diver lecturer

- Commercial diver

- Commercial diver lecturer

- Diving supervisor

- Diving medical supervisor


- Forensic diver lecturer

- Forensic expert 

- Commercial diver

- Diving supervisor 

- Diving medical supervisor


- Forensic diver lecturer

- Forensic expert 

- Commercial diver

- Diving medical supervisor